To the best of our ability, Pegasus Theatre will ensure a clean environment and nurture wellness for our staff, audiences, performers, and production teams. The following protocols have been developed by our management with advice from public health experts and our peers across Chicago. All policies are subject to change based on evolving guidance from the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, and the CDC.


Masks are currently recommended but not required for audience members.

Your Visit

If you are not feeling well, or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, we ask that you please stay home. You can contact the box office before the scheduled performance to reschedule your ticket at no cost.

For health reasons, we will not be selling concessions and will not permit outside food and beverages.

Risk Assumption

All patrons understand that there is a risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. Those attending Pegasus Theatre productions and events voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Details as of July 19, 2024.